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 Aaron Frame's Journal: 1854

Volume Second 1854
Extracts from Diary, and Letters continued
Transcribed by Martha Giffen

Go to: 1853.

First month 15th I have for a few weeks past felt that the Comforter of souls has returned, and is very near me at times pleading with me for my good, affording me strength and encouragement to strive once more to become a servant of Him who is forever worthy to be served. This is surely all of His tender mercy, and compassionate regard, that I am thus favoured after my repeated acts of disobedience, and long dark travel through the gloomy valley of discouragement, at times almost to dispair How thankful should I be for this morsel of renewed animation and strength, to again

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look up with hope. Yea, more than I have felt for many months before. O that I may yet be enabled to abide the day of his coming, and the necessary turnings and over turnings of his hand upon me - that I may know myself changed, and redeemed from the power of darkness in to newness of life. But O! poor week unworthy creature that I am, not able of myself to do one good thing, nor even to think a good thought. If I am ever saved it will be of His mercy - nothing of my own.

For some time past a war has been threatening between Russia and Turkey, and I have learned to day that hostilities have actually commenced, and the circumstances connected with the ground of their trouble, strongly indicate an implication of some other nations in the contest. How sorrowful it is that the inhabitants of the earth do not learn wisdom, and strive to avoid steeping their hands in each others blood by settling all difficulties both national, and otherwise by arbitration.

20th Quite warm and rain like during the forenoon, with a very unevenly distributed temperature, which continued till about four Oclock in the evening when a very dark cloud arose from the west, with

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almost constant thunder, which resulted in the most terrific hail storm I ever witnessed. Many of the hail stones were as large as hulled walnuts, and done much damage to the window-glass in the neighborhood. I record this as a phenomina of very unusual occurrence, particularly at this season of the year.

Second Month 12th Some of the committee under appointment to propose a name for Monthly Meeting clerk, called on me to day for the purpose of ascertaining whether I would submit my name to serve should they decide upon it - which on consideration I did not feel disposed to encourage, giving it as my reason, that I hardly felt myself capable of serving in that capacity was our Meeting a united, and harmonious body, but in our present divided condition, I apprehended the responsibility would be too great for me, and I would therefore much prefer being excused from it. That I did not feel justified in saying that I would not serve, if my friends thought it right that I should, but - I should very reluctantly acquiesce.

Attended Monthly Meeting on the 21st, and the committee on clerks reported “they could not agree on a name, and the old clerks were continued.

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22nd On the night of the 18th, while lodging at my Aunt Rachel Barbers, I had a remarkable and significant dream, which was as follows.

I dreamed that I was extremely ill, beyond recovery, and that the time was near at hand when I must leave the world and all its dear associations, and appear before the great and just Judge of all the earth, there to give an account of the deeds done in the body. And feeling unprepared for the awful summons, I therefore prayed earnestly that my sins might be forgiven, and that my iniquities might be remembered no more; and although my petitions were constant, and as fervent as my undone condition was capable of, yet I could feel no evidence that my prayers were heard, nor that my mind had undergone any change. I sought earnestly for the presence of the Lord, and plead for mercy as in the last and final hour - but in vain - nothing could be felt superior to the natural and unregenerated mind. A very faint hope therefore only remained that possibly through mercy I might be saved, and in this situation I died, and passed into another state of existence. But even here I felt no change

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of heart, nor could I see any place of happiness, neither did I, as yet, suffer any torment more than I did in this life, but experienced exactly the same state of mind, except a conciousness that I was in the world of final doom, and an increased anxiety to see Heaven - the place of happiness - and to certainly know whether I should be admited there, or not. The place where I was appeared to be an extensive circular plain, where multitudes of people were moving to and fro in various directions, as far as I could see, who all appeared to be restless, and anxious about something, I knew not what through any medium of communication, for the sound of voices was not heard, but there was a secret sense, and understanding with me, and which appeared to be equally so with all, which as thoroughly appreciated each others wants and anxieties as though communicated by words. This extensive plain was not enlightened by the brightness of the sun, but as that of a dark and cloudy day, and in the centre thereof was a small circular spot of a redish brightness, much brighter than any other part of the plain, comparible to a small light shining in a dark place. This I concieved to be the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven, and my silent understanding

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was, that all others thought the same, for the attention of all was attracted by it, and they continued passing around at a short distance, and looking upon it with great anxiety to behold its hidden treasures, and to partake thereof - but it was sealed - and strong desires prevailed that some one might be found of sufficient strength to loose the seals - for it was felt to be a task beyond the common ability of the multitude, none of which presumed to approach it, nor attempt to loose the seals thereof. And I remembered the scripture language relative to the Book which John the Divine saw, which was sealed with seven seals, and no man was found in Heaven, neither on the earth, that was able to open the Book, and loose the seals thereof. But after a time of much suspense, and solicitude, a man appeared as though he had just arrived, who boldly approached the seals as one having authority, and commenced striving to loose them, while the multitude stood intensely absorbed in the prospect of soon beholding that which we so much desired to see - the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. But to our great disappointment, the man strove hard, yet strove in vain. He failed to prove himself the “Lion of the tribe of Judah” - and the language of the Saviour was then forcibly presented to my mind “Except ye be

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regenerated, and born again, ye cannot see the Kingdom of God.” And I awoke, and found myself in mercy spared yet longer. This dream has ever rested on my mind as a solumn warning to put not off the great work of repentance towards God to a dying hour, lest my fate might be as therein represented - for times and seasons are not at my command, neither can mercy be found in my own time, and will. And so powerfully convincing was the awfully solemn events which passed before me in this dream, together with the scripture declarations so impressively brought to my remembrance in connection therewith; that had I never have read the Holy Scriptures, nor even heard that regeneration, and the new spiritual birth was essential to salvation, I could have done no other than believed the doctrine true, in accordance with what the scriptures set forth.

Third Month 2nd While attending Sawmill a few days ago, an important shaft of the machinery gave way; and all attempts at repairing it proving unavailing, I was compeled to make a new one, at which I am now very busily engaged. There being an abundance of water in the stream to saw with,

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causes the completion of the work to appear very urgent in my view; and to day being our midweek meeting day, I was strongly tempted, under a plea of necessity to work at my shaft instead of attending meeting. But after a time of reasoning and conflict of mind I gave up to leave all and go. But on account of my not making a sufficiently willing sacrifice, which alone is acceptable in the divine sight, I in great measure failed to approach the fountain of good, or recieve the reward of peace for my labour. To leave our temporal business and go to meeting is certainly right and commendable, but we need not expect to be much benefited thereby, nor be enabled to present our bodies before the Lord a living sacrifice wholly acceptable unto Him, unless we faithfully endeavour to leave our temporal affairs at home, and divest our minds of all worldly planings, and anxieties, and seek earnestly for that spiritual food which alone can nourish the soul up unto eternal life. It is those only who enter into the vineyard and labour that prove themselves worthy of the reward. Notwithstanding it is right to go to meeting, we may go, and return all our lives and be none the better of it, because of a neglect of duty while there.

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26th Although I once felt so well satisfied with disposing of my possessions in Iowa and arranging my affairs to stay here, I find that since I gave way to purchase more land there, my mind often inclines to look that way, and I am led at times to regret that I did not go while my property here was disposed of, and no pecuniary considerations to prevent. On dwelling on the subject I frequently feel that it might perhaps have been the best for us to have went, that others appeared to think so, particularly our relatives in Iowa, and that possibly I might have been mistaken in regard to it at the time - that my judgment was as liable to be misled as that of others, and that there was a possibility of their having known better what was best for us than I knew myself. Through this train of reflection and reasoning I am at times brought to feel that I have probably managed badly. Feel that I have sacrificed much for the sake of doing that which I thought was the best while perhaps I should have taken the advice of some of my friends instead; and thus a feeling of discouragement comes over me - feel restless

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and discontented, and as though I would like to sell again, but know of no opportunity to do so. Under these feelings I have sometimes thought of making another trip west this summer during the warm and growing season, that I may have the opportunity of seeing more relative to the advantages of the country than I have heretofore seen. Could I only certainly know what would be right, and the best for us, and then feel willing to do it, it appears to me it would be a great relief. A fear often rests with me, and not without cause, that this restlessness of mind has its origin in my own disobedience in allowing a desire to own more land to gain the ascendancy over that calm and peaceful feeling with which I was once favoured O! for a peaceful - quiet - and contented mind - it would be worth more than all else beside. But this I cannot have unless I become willing to cross my own will in obedience to the Divine will. Peace of mind is the reward of obedience, and cannot be possessed except the Lord is pleased to bestow it. Self gratification may be sweet at the time, but afterward it brings forth the bitterness of remorse and condemnation, and no escape therefrom short of a sincere repentance, with fear and trembling before the Lord.

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Fifth Month 24th Another young son was added to our family this morning, whose name is recorded Oliver, and Talitha appears to be as well as could be expected, which is a favour.

On the 20th I attended our quarterly meeting, which proved a scene of much controversy, and confusion. I sometimes feel very tired of our continued difficulties, and as though it would be pleasant to once more have the privelege of attending a meeting where unity and harmony is maintained. I do not know but this has an additional tendency to foster my feeling of unsettlement, yet, under candid reflection I have to admit that circumstances are seldom much improved by fleeing from trouble. It is often exceedingly trying to witness so much discussion, and diversity of sentiment in our meetings for discipline, and the natural part, at least, becomes impatient under it, and desires smoother sailing, and a less conflicting element. But perhaps, was this restless nature only properly subjected, and brought into solemn stillness in the presence of the great “I am” the trials of the times might tend rather to deepen an inward spiritual exercise, than foster an instability, and an anxiety to escape therefrom. I am sometimes

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favoured to feel the great necessity of a deeper indwelling of soul, and a clearer spiritual discernment, in order for the steering of my frail bark safely through this perrilous sea of troubled waters to its Haven of rest . And at other times I am tossed to and fro, as a vessel without anchor or helm, at the mercy of the almost overwhelming waves May I yet recieve ability to overcome this unstableness, and be preserved from utter distruction, is at times my fervent desire.

Seventh Month 5th My prospect of a trip to Iowa which I have for some months had under consideration has now so far matured as to engage me in a preparation for it during the three previous days; and although I am preparing, I do not feel sure that I am going, nor that it is the best I should go. I think of going to Wheeling to day in order to get some exchanges made for parties in the west, hardly knowing within myself whether I will go on from there, or send the money by draft My indecision originates in the existence of a doubt relative to my having sufficient business there to justify me in leaving my family and making the attempt, particularly at a time so perilous as this, on account of the prevalence of Cholera at Wheeling, and other places on the route.

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Eighth Month 27th On the evening of the 5th of last month, the day of my last entry, after arriving at Wheeling, and getting exchanges made, I felt great hesitation about proceeding further, so much so that I endeavoured to procure a draft to send by mail; but not succeeding I took lodging for the night with the matter seriously under consideration. On the morning of the 6th through a renewed resolution from some source I proceeded by way of Wellsville and Cleaveland, arriving at the last named place after dark. Finding that the southern Michigan Train was gone, and the Cholera prevailing in the City - rather than spend the night there, I went a board of a Lake-steamer for Detroit, where I arrived on the morning of the 7th and took the cars for Chicago. During the day I heard much said relative to the prevalence of Cholera in Chicago, which unavoidably filled me with feelings of awe and solemnity, accompanied with doubts, and fears, and an anxious concern for my own safety. My mind turned homewards and seriously reconsidered the grounds on which I left there on a journey so hazardous to both health and

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life, and my own wellbeing: and while entering the city in the dusk of the evening, and seeing the people eagerly persuing their common avocations as though in no danger - and hearing the frequent utterance of profane oaths as though regardless of the just judgments of the Almighty, my mind was awfully impressed with a sense of death, and the final judgment in the midst of such doings, beyond expression. I was impatient for the hour to arrive when the Train would leave for Rock Island, which was ten at night, and at eight next morning I arrived there, and engaged my passage in a two horse vehicle for Muscatine, as the Rail Road did not extend beyond the Mississippi. I was informed on the way by one of the officers of the Train, that one hundred deaths occurred in Chicago that night, and fourteen at Lasselle, a town which we passed at day-break. From Muscatine I traveled on foot, and reached my brother James’ Prairie home on the morning of the 10th. I occupied the three following days in visiting brother James and my other relatives in Cedar County, and started on the 13th in company with father Thompson in search of a preferable location for a Friends settlement further west. We passed through Iowa, Keokuk,

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Mahaska, and several other counties, without any definite success, and returned to Cedar on the 18th. Before starting on this trip, father Thompson prepared himself with a Compass and other necessary impliments for searching out, and ascertaining the boundaries of government lands. As a measuring impliment he had an old Yankee clock attached to the front part of his buggy, and so arranged that he could connect the geering of the clock with one of the buggy wheels by an accurately calculated attachment, so that the minute hand would make one revolution on the dial plate, and the clock strike, at the termination of each eighty rods drive. In this way, with the aid of his Compass and Map, he succeeded in finding a number of vacant lots which he entered at Iowa City on his return. This little journey was performed in the time of harvest, when the weather was warm and pleasant, and the roads smoothe, which rendered it additionally interesting. For a few weeks prior to my leaving home, but little rain had fell, and the face of the country was beginning to assume the appearance of drowth, but in Iowa there had been no lack of moisture, and vegitation looked flourishing, and the crops abundant, which comparative contrast

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somewhat strengthened my inclination to become a resident of Iowa. The appearance of the country, and the accompanying feeling respecting it, I found to be quite different from that which I experienced while encountering the chilling blasts of the early spring, during my former travels there. The manner in which we spent a First-day while in Keokuk county was not pleasant to me at the time, nor affords a satisfactory reflection in the retrospect. On Seventh day evening we met with James B Bruff, from Ohio, a member of our Yearly Meeting, and rather prominent particularly in the estimation of the gurney portion of society. On First day morning he requested the Friend where we lodged (the only Friend then residing there) to take his Compass and go with him in search of lands which had been formerly entered for him, and which he had never yet seen. As we were about starting on our return, and they in the same direction, we all traveled together, which finally resulted in our spending the day in search of corners, and boundaries designated only by little mounds of earth, far away from the trees, and woods, and beyond the view of any settlement. And notwithstanding I was not im-

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mediately interested in the transactions of the day, I was one of the company, and did not feel easy therewith - felt that we were in the presence of our great Creator, and as accountable to Him for our misspent time on those western wilds as when with our families at home, the substance of which impression I more than once intimated to them during the day. If the fear of the Lord is our restraint, and not the fear of man, we will be equally careful respecting our conduct, whether at home or abroad.

During the three following days after our return I visited some, and attended two meetings. While sojourning amongst Friends there, I learned that a serious difficulty existed amongst them, on account of Caleb Gregg having given evidence in some way of his unity with the smaller body in New England, which the governing portion of society deemed to be an offence of sufficient magnitude to require disciplinary treatment, and had already preferred a charge against him. While a number of Friends valued him as a sound, consistent Friend, and guilty of no breach of discipline whatever; but as simply, and firmly bearing his

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testimony against J. J. Gurneys unsound doctrines.

On the morning of the 21st I started to Linn county in company with brother James and his wife. We traveled about twenty miles on our way and put up at a farm house for the night - and on the 22nd we arrived at Caleb Greggs in time for dinner. Caleb recieved us as friends with whom he had unity, and entertained us very kindly. Since the commencement of the difficulty relative to the introduction of unsound principles amongst us, brother James has always entertained less doubt of its reality; and manifested a more decided zeal against its advocates, and those who deny its existence, than myself. He is therefore a warm advocate for Caleb in his present position, and appeared disposed to dwell intensely on that subject in his conversation on our way to Linn county; and although I at all times feel ready to join him in a testimony against unsoundness, yet I thought I discovered too much warmth in his manner of expression - too much of a heated zeal accompanying his statements, which caused me for the most part to remain silent on that subject and embrace the first opportunity to turn the conversation to other subjects. His discovery of this

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increased his warmth, and he became so impatient with my non-participation that I came near being censured harshly at times - but I managed the matter as patiently as I could, and during the second days travel that subject was but seldom alluded to. We visited Friends there to our mutual satisfaction, and attended their meeting on First day, after which he accompanied me six miles on my way homewards where we parted, leaving all else but a friendly, and brotherly feeling out of view. On Second-day morning the 24th I left Mt. Vernon in the Stage for Devenport, where I arrived in the evening and immediately crossed the River to Rock-Island, but was too late for the Train, therefore was compeled to wait till morning, when I left for Chicago, and arrived before sun set. In less than an hour I was on my way to Cleaveland, where I arrived on the morning of the 26th, and was at Wellsville by two P.M. from whence I was conveyed to Steubenville in a two horse vehicle, where I lodged till morning and then walked home by three P.M. - and found all well, and glad of my safe return - for the Cholera was still prevailing at Wheeling and other places, and several deaths had occurred at Harrisville about two miles distant from our residence, which caused my family to feel great anxiety for my safety.

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Ninth Month 4th Attended the first siting of our Yearly Meeting for discipline, which proved a very trying season to those who disired peace and quietness in the Truth. Soon after the opening minute was read information was given that the meeting was not select - that Thomas B Gould and his companion from the smaller body in New England were present, he under profession of being an acknowledged Minister. Much opposition was then expressed to their continuing in the meeting, some alleging that T.B.Gould had acted as clerk for a body of separatists in New England - and had been regularly disowned by the Monthly Meeting of which he was a member, and therefore had no right of membership in our society, nor right to sit in our meetings for discipline. After much had been said in this way, T.B.Gould appeared in his own defence in the course of which he denied ever having been disowned by any body of Friends - that he was a member of Rhode Island Monthly Meeting, and of the regular, and long established Quarterly Meeting of Rhode Island, from which he had well authenticated credentials, and therefore did not occupy a seat in Ohio Yearly Meeting merely

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as a privelege, but claimed it as a right [?]. This bold and undaunted declaration increased the opposition to his continuing in the meeting, and many additional voices were raised against his presence, amongst whom was an individual from one of the lower seats, who held up a paper, at the same time exclaiming that he held in his right hand a true copy of his Monthly Meetings Testimony against him - which was official evidence that he had been disowned, and therefore had no right in the society of Friends, nor right to sit Ohio Yearly Meeting [?]. In the progress of the discussion the clerk was frequently called upon to use his endeavours to make the meeting select by requesting him to withdraw, and very strongly censured at times for not doing so. When a suitable opportunity offered the clerk arose and said, that in all such cases it would perhaps be the most in order, to first extend private labour, and he would be willing that those who were uneasy with Thomas B Goulds presence should have the privelege of making the meeting as select as they desired, by any means they might see proper, provided it was done in accordance with our peaceable principles.

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But this did not appear to be recieved as a full discharge of his duty in the matter - an official request was desired, and thus discussion continued till the meeting was far advanced, when a proposition was made for adjournment, which was not objected to, except on the ground that it was necessary the representatives should first be requested by minute to bring forward names for clerk and assistant, which was a part of the regular business of the meeting, and therefore could not be done consistently till the meeting had become select - but a number expressing their unity with the minute being made, followed by adjournment, the clerk soon after read a minute requesting the representatives to confer together and propose to next siting the names of Friends for clerk and assistant, if way should open for it. The last paragraph was objected to by some, as not being according to discipline - that the discipline required the representatives to choose a clerk without saying anything about the way opening. The clerk asked those who objected to the minute, if they wanted him to make a minute to bring about a separation, adding, that he did not expect to do it. Several then expressed their unity with the minute as it stood,

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and there was no change made in it - and the meeting adjourned to Eleven Oclock on Third day morning.

Third- day morning the 5th, the meeting again assembled. Immediately after the opening minute was read, a Friend arose from one of the lower seats and queried whether the meeting was yet select - in reply to which the clerk said, the Friend was out of order - that the report of the representatives should first claim the attention of the meeting; when Jabez Coulson arose and said: “As the report of the representatives is called for, I may inform the meeting that they have confered together, and a large portion of them united in proposing the name of Jonathan Binns for clerk.” Then Nathan Hall immediately arose, and reported, that the representatives had confered together, but were unable to agree on names to offer to the meeting for clerk and assistant. The clerk asked Nathan if it was laid upon him to make that report, to which he replied in the affirmative “Then,” says the clerk, “it is in order, and the other out of order.” Many then united with the appointment of Jonathan Binns as clerk, after which many opposed such an appointment being made as the proposition was made by only a portion of the

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representatives without the consent of the balance, and therefore the name was not before the meeting according to order, nor could not be recognized in the order. Most of these spoke in favour of the usual course being persued where a disagreement of the representatives was reported - that of continuing the present clerks to the service, adding, that in their judgment, it was the only orderly course that could be persued in case of such reports - and refered to our late Friend, B.W. Ladds judgment, under similar circumstances in former years, quoting his language. “Then Friends, there is no alternative - the old clerks must serve.” But those who were favourable to the appointment of Jonathan Binns as clerk, contended, that according to discipline, the representatives were bound to choose a clerk, that a disagreement amongst them was a disorder, and if they could not all unite on names to offer, a part of them were justifiable in choosing names and reporting them to the meeting; while those who were favourable to persuing the usual course, did not deny a disagreement of the representatives being a disorder - but that the discipline never contemplated such disorder - that it contemplated nothing else

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but an agreement on names, either by unity or submission; but where a disagreement existed and no submission, they were bound to report the truth to the meeting, and if the meeting could not unite to make a change, there was no alternative left, but the present clerks must serve untill others could be appointed in accordance with the order which the discipline points out, and that an attempt to bring in names by a part of the representatives where there was no submission on the part of others, was a violation of order and discipline, and if such a report was recieved and adopted by the meeting - or any part of it - it would be a breach of order and discipline, and they had no unity with such a course being persued [?]. This discussion had continued but a short time, when Jabez Coulson again arose and said, that they had also agreed to propose the name of James B Bruff for assistant. Several then united with both names, some of whom expressed a belief that the unity already expressed was sufficient to justify them in proceeding to the table. Benjamin Hoyle then arose and said, it was evident even from the report that

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Jabez Coulson had made, that Nathan Halls report was true - that the representatives were not able to agree, and that it had always been the usage of this meeting under such circumstances to continue the old clerks, [?] which was the course he was now about to take, as the only one in his opinion that could be persued in accordance with the usual order He then took his seat and commenced writing a minute, while discussion continued, some uniting with Binns and Bruff being appointed clerks, urging them to go to the table, while others opposed such a course as being out of order, warning those who were urging it to consider well what they were about to do. [?] At length Joseph Hobson expressed a supposition that the clerk had a minute prepared, and proposed that it be read, when James Thwaite immediately rose and requested Binns and Bruff to proceed to the table. Jabez Coulson followed, saying, “As a representative I request them to take their seats at the table.” George Smith (of Guernsey) also made the same request in quick succession - after which Benjamin Hoyle arose and read a minute appointing himself, and William S. Bates

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clerks for the present year. A number united with the minute, while others protested against it - when the clerk arose, and again asserted that it was the only course that could be taken in the order of Society, and which was also in accordance with our former usage under similar circumstances, and warned those who were urging a different course to consider well their doings. [?] Several additional voices were then heard in favour of the minute just read, while others disunited, and earnestly solicited Binns and Bruff to go to the table and accordingly they arose, and walked quietly forward and placed themselves on the heretofore unoccupied seat of the assistant clerk. Wm. S. Bates was then requested to take his seat at the table as assistant clerk. After a number had united with his going forward and filling that station, he arose and said, that he believed himself to be the regularly appointed assistant clerk of Ohio Yearly Meeting, but owing to his sympathies, and action having all along been with those who were now urging the new clerk movement, together with the present unsettled state of the meeting, and the sentiments of his family connections - he wished to be excused from acting in that capacity, at least, till he would have time for further consideration

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Binns was then requested to make a minute of his and Bruffs appointment as clerks of the meeting, when B. Hoyle arose and emphatically reitterated his former assertions, that if the appointment of new clerks was persisted in, in its present form, it would eventually prove an act of separation, and would have neither order, nor discipline to justify it. William Watson then made some remarks relative to the impropriety of the course - adding, that “he, for one, who had always stood for order and discipline, and against the smaller body in New England, and its members, would have a choice in considering the matter a little further before taking such a step - at least, sleep one more night on it first. William S Bates proposed adjournment, but several opposed that being done untill Jonathan Binns was appointed clerk by minute, in order that the meeting might be adjourned by him as the duly authorized clerk. He was then strongly urged to make a minute of his, and Bruffs appointment, which solicitation he complied with, and soon after read a minute as follows. “One of the representatives inform that they have confered together and a considerable portion of them agreed to report

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the name of Jonathan Binns for clerk, and James B Bruff for assistant, which being united with by a large number of Friends, they are appointed to those stations.” A Friend of the number opposed to the measure, then inquired whether it would not be right for those of his own sentiment to protest against that minute, but was immediately replied to “No! we have nothing to do with that minute.” And accordingly, there was nothing further said relative to the minute by those who were in favor of the usual course being persued, except their disapprobation of the disorderly proceedings of the opposite party. Several then united with the minute, and the report for messengers to the womens meeting was asked for, when Jabez Coulson informed, they had no names to offer for that service.

The above is continued to Page 1st of Volume Third

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